
External funding

2024: UKRI Open Access fudning for the Bloomsbury edited book, Upcycling Research: Global Perspectives on Fashion, Products and the Built Environment (forthcoming 2025), £8,000.

2024: UKRI Open Access funding for the Routledge edited book, Research Journeys to Net Zero: Current and Future Leaders, £10,000.  

2022-2024: UKRI AHRC Research Networking Grant for 'International Upcycling Research Network' (Grant Ref: AH/W007134/1), £42,787.

2018: NTU Sustainable Futures Seed-Corn Research Fund for a stakeholder workshop, £1,352. 

2016-2017: NTU Materials Research Seed-Corn Fund for post-doctoral research on challenges and opportunities for scaling up upcycling SMEs in the UK, £25,939. 

2016: Santander Travel Bursary for conference attendance, £1,000. 

2015: Design Research Society Student Bursary for conference and workshop, £500. 

2013-2017: Vice Chancellors PhD scholarship at NTU with support from the EPSRC-funded Centre for Industrial Energy, Materials and Products (CIE-MAP), grant number EP/N022645/1. 

Internal funding

2024-2027: DMU Doctoral College Scholarship for a PhD student working on 'Design-Led Circular Economy Solutions for Solar Photovoltaic Panels', £101,736.

2024: DMU AHRC Accelerator Scheme, £986. 

2023-2024: DMU Participatory Research Funding for 'Upcycling for everyone', £3,984. 

2023-2026: DMU Doctoral College Scholarship for a PhD student working on 'Fashion and textile upcycling for new product development', £67,140.

2023: DMU Faculty Research Funding for 'UK Upcycling Networking', £500.

2023: DMU Net Zero and Climate Action fund for scoping research ('Circular renewable energy system'), £1,983. 

2023: DMU Enhancing Research Culture fund for attending PLATE 2023 and ICED 2023, £2,222. 

2023: DMU ‘top-up’ Open Access fund, £1,482 (1700 CHF).  

2022-2023: DMU HEIF (Higher Education Innovation Funding) for 'New Product Development for Upcycling and Circular Economy', £11,086. 

2022: DMU British Science Festival public engagement fund for 'Upcycling Station', £300.

2021-2022: DMU Future Research Leaders 8 Programme development fund for 'Net Zero Conference 2022', £1,000.

2021: DMU Sustainability Team Seed Grant for UN Sustainable Development Goals for upcycling art, craft and design competition and exhibition, £500. 

2020: DMU Faculty Research and Enterprise Fund for organising International Upcycling Symposium 2020, £1,601. 

2019-2020: DMU Institute of Art and Design Fund for conferences, £832. 

2019: DMU Global Seed Fund for developing new joint teaching and research activities with Cornell University, £1,430. 

2017-2023: DMU Frontrunners Internship Fund for teaching and research assistants.

2017-2021: DMU VC2020 Fund for various research and dissemination activities, £7,492.