Conference presentations
Sung, K., Shade, J., Wylam, T., Lorance, T., Pieniazek, M., and Tiwary, A. (2024) New product development for upcycling and circular economy focusing on everyday electronic products. International Upcycling Festival 2024 (IUF2024), Leicester, 11 April.
Heaton, A., Sung, K., and Isherwood, P. (2023) Accessible Solar Energy Technology for Domestic Applications in the UK: Edge Solar. International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23), Bordeaux, 24 - 28 July.
Sung, K. (2023) Understanding Upcycling and Circular Economy and Their Interrelationships through Literature Review for Design Education. International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23), Bordeaux, 24 - 28 July.
Sung, K., Moalosi, R., Satheesan, A., Brosse, C., Burton, E., Lim, H., Cheung, K., Debrah, R., Lettmann, S., and Gaukrodger-Cowan, S. (2023) How to understand and teach upcycling in the context of the circular economy: Literature review and first phase of Delphi. Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) 2023 Conference, Espoo, 31 May – 2 June.
Abuzeinab, A., Sung, K., Moalosi, R., Satheesan, A., Garba, B., Adeh, F., Lim, H., Baek, J., and Njeru, S. (2023) Key global challenges and opportunities for scaling up upcycling businesses in the world: Interpretive structural modelling workshop preliminary analysis. Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) 2023 Conference, Espoo, 31 May – 2 June.
Sung, K. (2023) Sustainable production and consumption by upcycling for the transition to the circular economy. The Impact of Sustainable Design - A Midlands Green Innovation Network Event. Leicester, 20 April.
Moalosi, R. and Sung, K. (2022) Promoting Upcycling through an International Research Network. International Online Conference on Reuse, Recycling, Upcycling, Sustainable Waste Management and Circular Economy (ICRSC) 2022. Online. 9-11 September.
Sung, K., Hughes, P., and Hsu, J. (2022) Exploratory multiple case study on successful upcycling businesses: ChopValue, Freitag and Pentatonic. British Academy of Management (BAM) 2022 Conference. Manchester (online), 31 August - 2 September.
Sung, K. (2021) Evaluating two interventions for scaling up upcycling: Community event and upcycling plaza. International Conference on Resource Sustainability, Dublin (online), 19-23 July.
Sung, K. and Abuzeinab, A. (2021) Challenges and opportunities for scaling up global upcycling towards sustainable production and consumption: Literature review. Third World Symposium Sustainability Science and Research, Hamburg (online), 8 April.
Sung, K. (2020) Present and future UK design education in the time of COVID-19. 2020 KSDS (Korea Society of Design Science) Spring International Conference, Seoul (online), 27 June (invited talk).
Sung, K. and Yoon, J. (2018) Embedding sustainability in design education: A case of design project on systemic changes for sustainable businesses based on upcycling. Symposium on Expanding Communities of Sustainable Practice, Leeds, 16 November.
Sung, K., Cooper, T., Oehlmann, J. and Singh, J. (2018) Scaling up British fashion upcycling businesses: Multi-stakeholder perspectives. Global Fashion Conference 2018, London, 31 October - 1 November.
Sung, K. and Rowan, N. (2018) CAD education curricula in product design: The case of De Montfort University, UK. CAD'18: 15th annual international CAD conference, Paris, 9-11 July.
Sung, K. (2018) Developing appropriate interventions for scaling up niche sustainable consumer behaviour: The case of upcycling in the UK. Regulatory Frameworks for Sustainable Consumption Conference, Hull, 25 May (invited talk).
Sung, K., Cooper, T., Ramanathan, U. and Singh, J. (2017) Challenges and support for scaling up upcycling businesses in the UK: Insights from small-business entrepreneurs. Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) 2017 Conference, Delft, 8-10 November.
Sung, K., Cooper, T., Painter-Morland, M., Oxborrow, L., Ramanathan, U. and Singh, J. (2017) Multi-stakeholder perspectives on the challenges and success factors for scaling up upcycling businesses in fashion industry in the UK. 18th European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production, Skiathos Island, 1-5 October.
Sung, K., and Cooper, T. (2017) Upcycling as the circular economy in practice. Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption, Brighton, 27-29 June.
Sung, K. (2016) Sustainable production and consumption by upcycling - understanding and scaling up niche environmentally significant behaviour. NTU Doctoral School Postgraduate Research Conference 2016, Nottingham, 3 December.
Sung, K., Cooper, T. and Kettley, S. (2016) An alternative approach to influencing behaviour: Adapting Darton’s Nine Principles framework for scaling up individual upcycling. DRS2016: Design + Research + Society – Future-Focused Thinking, Brighton, 27-30 June.
Sung, K., Cooper, T. and Kettley, S. (2016) Action across multiple levels for scaling up sustainable behaviour: The case of individual upcycling in the UK. 1st Conference on Management and Environmental Sustainability, Leicester, 20 May.
Sung, K. Cooper, T. and Kettley, S. (2016) Individual upcycling in the UK: Insights for scaling up towards sustainable development. Symposium on Sustainable Development Research at Universities in the United Kingdom, Manchester, 5-6 April.
Sung, K., Cooper, T. and Kettley, S. (2015) An exploratory study on the links between individual upcycling, product attachment, and product longevity. Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) 2015 Conference, Nottingham, 17-19 June.
Sung, K., Cooper, T. and Kettley, S. (2015) An Exploratory Study on the Consequences of Individual Upcycling: Is It Worth Making People Feel Attached to Their Upcycled Products? Nottingham Trent University CADBE Doctoral Conference 2015, Nottingham, 8-9 June (selected as the best paper).
Sung, K. (2015) A review on upcycling: Current body of literature, knowledge gaps and a way forward. 17th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Venice, 13-14 April.
Sung, K., Cooper, T. and Kettley, S. (2014) Individual upcycling practice: Exploring the possible determinants of upcycling based on a literature review. Sustainable Innovation 2014 Conference, Copenhagen, 3-4 November.